PaperCut ChargeBack

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

PaperCut ChargeBack

PaperCut ChargeBack
PaperCut ChargeBack
PaperCut ChargeBack - this print management software designed specifically for the needs of various business sectors , including engineering , design , legal, accounting , consulting and architectural companies . After a pop-up window to send documents to print under their accounts (client / project , department , job / issue / matter , phase). This allows companies to monitor printing costs in the format of documents , issuing quotas to users and to determine the cost of customer orders or other projects.
PaperCut accompanies printing processes millions of people in 60 countries.
  • Determine the cost per page ( orders from your customers, as well) , making the cost of printing in revenue .
  • Receive reports , to monitor expenditure within budgets , monitor trends.
  • Allocate quotas to users , prevent abuse of printing and paper consumption .
PaperCut ChargeBack leader with innovative capabilities and features , support for cross- platform access codes and scalability based on the size of the enterprise.Useful links

A new version of the program to control the printing PaperCut 10.3
The new version of the program for the printing of documents konrolya PaperCut 10.2 is a feature definition color pages
PaperCut program to control the cost of printing of documents entered the Russian market
Judul: PaperCut ChargeBack
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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