Web Filter SkyDNS School

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Web Filter SkyDNS School 

Web Filter SkyDNS School
Web Filter SkyDNS School
Web filter SkyDNS School - convenient and reliable internet filter designed specifically for use in schools and libraries. Filter meets all the requirements of the Russian legislation to protect children from harmful information , extremism and pornography.

Centralized filtering access an unlimited number of computers in school to resources containing negative information . Due to the peculiarities of the system is no load on computers is not created , which allows to use the system even on older and low-power computers.
Self- management settings in Internet filter. At present, the base comprises more than 5 million sites separated by 54 categories . In addition to site -based educational institution can independently determine which sites should be accessible or blocked (white and black list of access).
Filtering the majority of graphic banners and contextual advertising.
Essential when checking prosecutors option block unknown sites irezhim "pure" internet - one click at a private office internet filter system switches to access only the resources from the white list . This ensures that the test will not detect violations .
New! By default, the white list includes more than 30,000 sites from the directory of educational resources catalog.iot.ru, window.edu.ru, sites of educational institutions and educational portals .
Computer protection of any type and with any operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac, tablets) , with access to the Internet.
Output block of pages in the trademark style of the institution, without any advertising, which show some Internet filters .
New! Access to safe search engine poisk.skydns.ru with filtering extremism , pornography, drugs, etc.
Unlike analog system does not require additional costs and the installation of any equipment or software. Training classes can be connected to the system via the existing equipment as well as without the use of additional servers and remedies.
Also, do not need to install any programs on computers in the school , all filtering and management settings is centralized .
The system produces filtering and restricting access to sites containing negative information prior to receipt of the information on the school computers .
The system complies with all the provisions and requirements of the Rules of connecting educational institutions to a unified system of content - filtering access to the Internet Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation :

The implementation of a uniform policy of access - all computers connected to the system are limited to the same.
Easy access to information - unhindered access is available in normal mode filtering.
Monitoring the use of internet resources - in the statistics of the total which resources were handling, respectively, can be such as to limit the resources and add to the contrary allowed .
Ability to adapt to threats - the base URL categories of our system is constantly evolving and refined , in addition educational institutions can add their own illegal or malicious sites to the black list .
Content filtering by category - the online filter to filter on 54 categories of relevant categories recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia .
Filtration system is tested in accordance with Practice test and the quality of filtration of the Federal Agency for Education and provides filtration with high quality.
Judul: Web Filter SkyDNS School
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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