Navitel Navigator with a map of "Ukraine"

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Navitel Navigator - a unique and accurate navigation system that includes detailed navigational maps of the whole of Ukraine, as well as free services "Navitel.Probki ", " Navitel.SMS ", " Navitel.Sobytiya ", " Dynamic POI» and « Navitel.Pogoda " . Designed for smartphones and PDAs ( PDA ) equipped with GLONASS / GPS-receiver . Not for the Navigators (based on WINCE) and not for IPHONE / IPAD (iOS)!
Navitel Navigator with a map of "Ukraine"
Navitel Navigator

This license allows you to activate Navitel Navigator with complete maps of Ukraine for Android, Bada, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone and Blackberry device. Further possible to buy additional sets of cards of different countries for Navitel Navigator to expand the atlas maps available .

Navitel Navigator - a unique and accurate navigation system that includes detailed navigational maps of the whole of Ukraine, as well as free services "Navitel.Probki ", " Navitel.SMS ", " Navitel.Sobytiya ", " Dynamic POI» and « Navitel.Pogoda " . Navigation map for Navitel Ukraine includes 29,957 settlement of the country , of which 922 towns and settlements - with detailed street and road network and targeted plan . Among others, are available for Navitel most detailed maps of Kiev , Odessa and other cities. On the map of Ukraine suffered 75,328 points of POI ( gas station, traffic police, cafes , restaurants, motels , hotels, etc. ), and also includes information about the location of cameras for speed (SPEEDCAM).
Important! Card Release Q2 2013 are not compatible with previous releases of cards , and only work with version Navitel Navigator and more. Having bought "Navitel Navigator with a map of " Ukraine " ," you get a card :

for Windows Mobile - Release Q1 2013
for Android - Release Q2 2013
for Windows Phone - Release Q1 2013
for your Symbian - Release Q3 2011
for Bada - release Q4 2011
for BlackBerry - Release Q1 2013
Key features "Navitel Navigator" :
"Navitel . Jam " Free service throughout Ukraine. All users of Navitel Navigator are active participants in the definition of traffic congestion and free roads. When the service Stoppers, data on the speed of movement of the car is collected and transmitted to the analysis center , where the information is processed and made ​​available to users of the program as indicated on the map of "blocks " * . * Probki.Navitel only displayed on the maps produced by JSC "CNT ".

Search - " find all "
Map search is done on a " find all ", given the Ukrainian addressing the specifics of ( housing, construction , ownership, dual addressing, etc. ) . Knowing the exact address Navitel Navigator users can easily find it on a map of the city, and predictive search (principle T9) will allow even faster and easier to type the name of streets and cities on the telephone keypad.
One of the main functions of the navigation system is to construct routes for traffic in the city and outside the city. The program Navitel Navigator implemented flexible algorithm for constructing routes , allowing the user to build routes to your personal taste .
It's no secret that the most dangerous sections of roads in Ukraine are increasingly installed speed control (SPEEDCAM). In order to timely warn the driver of approaching a dangerous area , we have developed early warning systems . With this technology , the driver will receive advance information of approaching a dangerous area and will in time reduce the speed of traffic. Database points SPEEDCAM constantly updated. Above her work as a professional cartographers and its users. Information on hazardous places ( railway crossings , radars, " speed bumps ")

" Navitel.SMS "
Free service for the whole of Ukraine. This service allows you to send SMS with the coordinates of your location. SMS recipient can view the place on the map with the coordinates passed to the SMS, and navigate to this destination .
" Navitel.Sobytiya "
A new free online service that allows users to observe and see the map on the navigation device mark other users of the various events of the following types : accident , accidents, road works , the camera tracking speed and other warnings .
" Dynamic POI»
With the service of dynamic POI you can find prices for gasoline at the pump, showtimes at cinemas, detailed information about restaurants and cafes, with an indication of special offers and phone numbers for your tables and much more.
Various types of search on the map :

Nearest objects in a given radius .
Settlements and objects within cities ( by type and name ) .
Address .
By points of interest (POI)
Waypoint .
According to the latest detection.
By street.
Voice of reference for automatically created route .
The speed and direction of movement.
Coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude above sea level).
Automatic selection of time zone.
Path length , time, motion and speed.
Record tracks and waypoints.
Export / import tracks.
Export / import routes.
The direction of movement to a given point with the prediction of arrival time .
Satellite Information Glonasc / GPS.
Ability to manage the program without the stylus ( for drivers of large buttons "under the thumb " on the touch screen).
Voice prompts .
Choice of voices from several voice packets and connect their own voice package .
Russian interface.
More than 100 different sensors (on-board computer)
Automatic detection protocol and COM- ports to connect to Glonasc / GPS-receiver .
The ability to automatically turn on / off BlueTooth to connect with Glonasc / GPS.
Ability to select skin file .
Hardware requirements for Navitel Navigator :

OS : Windows Mobile: 5.0, 6 , 6.1, 6.5, Android: 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.x, 3.xx, 4.0.x, 4.x , Symbian: S60 3rd edition, S60 5th edition , Symbian 3 , Bada: 2.0 (Navitel5.1.1)

NOT FOR Navigators (WinCE), NOT FOR IPHONE / IPAD (iOS)!!! Navitel for WinCE only supplied with the device ( sold separately program is not only possible purchase of additional sets of cards) for iPhone / iPad Navitel can be purchased exclusively through the AppStore.
Supported interface : Touch .
Useful links

"Navitel Navigator 7.5 " - now available for BlackBerry
Navitel navigation represents a new generation of
Save 20 % on your favorite program " Navitel Navigator" with a map of Ukraine: travel with pleasure!
It turned out a free update for the product "Navitel Navigator"
Navitel Navigator for Samsung Bada is now available
version:Navitel Navigator with a map of "Ukraine" 7.5
for Windows Mobile
Important! Maps Release Q1 2013 are not compatible with previous releases of cards , and only work with Navitel Navigator version and above.
Major changes in Navitel 7.5 for Windows Mobile:

Support for new card formats optimized nm7. Now the cards occupy half the space , and work in half the time !

The new privacy settings for the service Navitel.Druzya . Now you do not need to enter the visibility rules for each contact on your list - you can turn it on once for all service members !

New widget route on the map.

Automatic registration of the device user's personal account when activating the service Navitel.Druzya .

Ability to update the voice packets from the program menu .

Judul: Navitel Navigator with a map of "Ukraine"
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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