How to Use 2 BBM Accounts Simultaneously on One Device [Android]

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Have you ever wondered if it was possible use 2 BBM accounts at the same time?
As you can see in the video I have two messengers installed, one for personal account and the other one for my YT channel. Both of the apps work simultaneously without interrupting each other.

BBM3 is an app that is identical to the original BBM, however, it works separately thus allowing you to use 2 BBM simultaneously.

The app itself is not released on Google Play store, though it's developed by a senior member on XDA and is totally safe to use. All you have to do is download the app and install it on your device.

By the way, the app does not work on ARMv6 devices!

Original thread on XDA with download links
Judul: How to Use 2 BBM Accounts Simultaneously on One Device [Android]
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