How to Speed up Internet Connection
Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013
How to speed up internet connection
We give you the very need for a super flash connection , so that activity of browsing on the internet more and speeding . Fast internet connection is in high demand by Internet users , including you also want it ?Surely you like to feel upset when about to download a file from the site or download 4shared mozilla firefox browser , but the internet connection you are using slow even to fail because the connection does not support .Well , using the tips and tricks on how to speed up your internet connection below will not feel upset anymore because it will make your home internet connection is super fast . These tips are very well suited for speedy internet connection speed , internet cafe , or for modem smartfren , 3 , Telkomsel flash , flexi and xl .The following set of Tips and Tricks How to Speed up Internet ConnectionHow to Speed up Internet Connection SpeedyLog into the modem settings ,
Click the Advanced Setup
Click the ADSL > Mode and select ADSL , ADSL2 + initially replace with G.dmt > SAVEHow to Speed up Internet Connection In Windows 7 and XP
Click the Start menu on Windows
Then click Run
type gpedit.msc
Then select the Administrative Templates
Then double- click Network
Double click QoS Packet scheduler
Double click on Limit reservable bandwidth
Change the setting to Enable
Then change the Bandwidth limit to 0
Click Apply , OK
Then restart the computerHow to Speed up Internet connection with DNS
Open the Control Panel
Select Network and Sharing Center
Click the Local Area Connection > Click on Properties
Select Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP ) > Click Properties
Click the Use the following DNS server addresses
Fill the Preferred DNS server numbers:
Fill in the Alternate DNS server with numbers :
click on OKGoogle Public DNS is a free8. Open DNS208.67.222.222208.67.220.220DNS DNSadvantage156.154.70.1156.154.71.1DNS ScrubIt67.138.54.100207.225.209.66Telkom Speedy DNS Server202.134.2.5203.130.196.5202.134.0.155202.134.1.10202.134.0.62202.159.32.2202.159.33.2202.155.30.227I also already own dipraktekin ways as above and the results are quite effective know .. connection at my house so do not slow anymore . Well it's time you praktekin home tricks and tips on how to speed up internet connection , hopefully useful . Good luck ...
Judul: How to Speed up Internet Connection
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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