Control system of mobile commerce, "Moby-C»

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Control system of mobile commerce , " Moby -C» - software package designed to automate the sales representatives involved in the collection of orders for the CPC in retail locations (pre-selling), the sale of goods "on wheels » (van-selling) and merchandising (merchandising ) .

Control system of mobile commerce
Control system of mobile commerce

" Mobi -C» can significantly increase the effectiveness of sales, to significantly reduce the costs of supporting the structure of sales agents , principally to strengthen the control over their activities , improve the accuracy and speed of execution of orders.

Main features of "Moby -C»:
collection of orders
- Collection of applications for the supply of goods for onward delivery
- Automatic calculation of the recommended order ( sales target )
- View information on trade balances in stock
- The use of routes visiting the outlets
- Get current information on products and customers (residues debts , prices , discounts , etc.)
- Convenient search products
- Control the movement of commercial agents using GPS
Trade with wheels
- Net sales from mobile stores
- Operational design and printing of documents at the point of sale
- View information on trade balances in camper
- Accounting for Cash Transactions
Collecting marketing information and Merchandising
- Any form of questionnaires
- Taking pictures with the integrated camera of goods and customers (photo- report )
- The number and content of forms for the collection of information is defined in the accounting system of the company in HTML format
- Enter the current balances of the goods in a shop
- Data transmission to the accounting system via GPRS protocol TCP / IP ( cell phone , PDA )
- Use as a ' Static ' and ' dynamic ' addresses to communicate with the accounting system
- Data transmission to the accounting system via ActiveSync ( cradle , BlueTooth, WiFi)
Judul: Control system of mobile commerce, "Moby-C»
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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