How to run mobile games (.jar files) on PC/laptop

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 02 November 2013 1 komentar
Are you mobile games addict? Do you want to play mobile games on your PC/laptop because your mobile has small keys? then you should to try mpowerplayer.
Mpowerplayer is your digital hub for mobile gaming. Play an entire library of mobile games right on your desktop, for free. Every game in the catalog has a playable demo, and with a few clicks you can buy games and send them to your mobile.
Mpowerplayer lets you play java mobile games on your computer. Mpowerplayer can even load .jar files from your hard drive and can run without any difficulty.
mpowerplayer 1 How to run mobile games (.jar files) on PC/laptop

How to download and install Mpowerplayer on your system:

  1. Download mpowerplayer(1.1MB) from Softpedia. It is a java file so you should have JRE(Java Runtime Environment) installed on your system. Don’t have Java download it from here.
  2. After downloading the file to your hard drive right click on the .jnlp file and click Launch.
  3. Mpowerplayer installer will download and installs all the required files on your system. Now run the program.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

Mpowerplayer for Mac OS X users, download it from here.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Judul: How to run mobile games (.jar files) on PC/laptop
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