Breaking News: ASUU's NEC Members Spotted in Kano Gathering for a Secret Meeting

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 November 2013 0 komentar
he National Executive Council (NEC) of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has probably entered a secret meeting in Kano at an undisclosed location on November 22, 2013, Friday.
ASUU's NEC Members Spotted in Kano Gathering for a Secret Meeting
According to a source of DailyTrust, the members of the National Executive Council of ASUU parked their cars in Bayero University, Kano's oldsite and entered a PTF coaster bus to an undisclosed location where the NEC meeting should be taking place in these minutes.
If the anonymous source of DailyTrust is not a mischief-maker, there are chances that decision on finishing the four-month-old ASUU strike may be ready by tomorrow.
More to follow… 

Judul: Breaking News: ASUU's NEC Members Spotted in Kano Gathering for a Secret Meeting
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