Lagging Ubuntu (Desktop) on VirtualBox in Windows - Updated

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Background story: I wanted to look at GIMP source code and hack it. Sadly, the tutorial preferred Ubuntu to auto build the latest source code. So I tried installing Ubuntu, dual boot with my Windows 8. Due to UEFI problem, I could not boot to Ubuntu. I tried Ubuntu on VirtualBox before, but since it was too laggy, I dumped it.

So, since my laptop could never boot to Ubuntu, I retried Ubuntu on VirtualBox. It is still laggy, even after I gave 2GB RAM. Apparently, it seems that the problem is due to Ubuntu's Unity using 3D acceleration. I am trying this solution to improve the lag problem:

It still lags in my laptop and I am still working on it, especially that the 3D support and software rendering is still off.

Stupid me. I did not enable 3D acceleration in the VirtualBox setting. After I enabled it (I followed the above help before it, so not sure if the link is the one that solve the problem or just the setting), it becomes silky smooth. Nice!

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Ubuntu in VirtualBox - Mouse Scroll Not Working

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There was another problem with Ubuntu on VirtualBox. It does not detect mouse wheel scroll if you are using integrated mouse. I checked it here:

I tried the answer; it worked! However, the mouse cursor is not integrated, which I loathe and thus I looked add the second voted answer. This really works!!! It was unclear on how to do what the person wrote, so JFGI. Here is the link to do what the person wrote:

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Tips Menghemat Baterai Android

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Tips Menghemat Baterai AndroidMemiliki ponsel  smartphone seperti android memang sangat menyenangkan karena banyaknya aplikasi yang bisa di jalankan pada smartphone tersebut, tetapi yang lebih mengasikan sampai lupa waktu yaitu salah satunya kita dapat bermain game sepuasnya karena memang game pada android sangat lah banyak jenis dan typenya dari yang grtaisan sampai dengan yang berbayar ada juga game online yang bisa di mainkan kapanpun asalakan tersambung dengan jaringan internet, tetapi seiring dengan banyaknya fitur yang terdapat pada smarthone android yang menimbulkan daya tahan baterai menjadi lebih cepat habis, nah untuk itu agar dapat memaksimalkan daya tahan baterai berikut tips menghemat baterai  android  seperti yang dikutip detiknet

Jaga Suhu Ponsel Tetap Dingin

Hindari ponsel anda dari suhu panas ada kemungkinan pada suhu panas daya tahan baterai akan cepat melemah dan cepat rusak,  usahakan ponsel anda tidak terkena langsung oleh sinar matahari, baterai akan lebih awet jika ponsel digunakan dalam suhu kamar, jika berada di luar ruangan sebaiknya simpan saja ponsel anda di saku atau di dalam tas untuk menghindari dari suhu panas yang di sebabkan oleh sinar matahari.

Turunkan Brigthness Layar & Screen Timeout

Walaupun memang untuk tips yang satu ini mungkin sudah banyak yang mengetahuinya, namun tetap perlu ditegaskan lagi, karena layar memang komponen utama yang paling banyak menghabiskan daya tahan baterai, karenanya, penting untuk menurunkan tingkat brigthness atau kecerahan layar, hal ini dipastikan akan menambah daya tahan baterai, tentunya penurunan tingkat brigthness tidak perlu dilakukan sampai total seluruhnya, turunkan sampai tingkat di mana mata masih dapat melihat layar dengan nyaman, selain tingkat brigthness, setting screen time out juga perlu diperhatikan,setting ini mengatur berapa lama layar akan menyala jika tidak lagi disentuh, ada baiknya untuk mempersingkat waktu screen timeout, sehingga layar akan segera mati jika tidak dipakai dan memperpanjang umur baterai.

Gunakan Power Saving Mode & Matikan Vibrasi

Pada  ponsel Android terdapat  power saving mode yang bisa diakses dalam setting, sesuai namanya, power saving mode ditujukan untuk menghemat penggunaan baterai, jika power saving mode diaktifkan, ia akan melakukan beberapa teknik untuk menghemat baterai. Misalnya mematikan koneksi seperti Wi Fi atau Bluetooth, dan menurunkan kecerahan layar, power saving mode memiliki pengaruh cukup signifikan dalam performa ponsel. Jadi disarankan agar mengaktifkannya saat baterai terindikasi mulai melemah, mengaktirkan mode getaran atau vibrasi untuk mengingatkan panggilan atau notifikasi lain juga cukup haus baterai, jika tidak diperlukan, sebaiknya mode vibrasi tidak dipergunakan.

Matikan Koneksi yang Tidak Perlu

Sudah menjadi bawaan jika ponsel android penuh dengan konektivitas. termasuk Wi Fi, Bluetooth ataupun GPS,  ketiganya dapat menurunkan daya tahan baterai yang tidak sedikit, maka jika tidak digunakan, ada baiknya ketiga fitur tersebut dimatikan saja. Misalnya Bluetooth digunakan hanya saat akan mentransfer data atau memakai bluetooth headset, dan GPS hanya perlu diaktifkan jika akan mencari arah. Dan Wi Fi hanya dinyalakan jika sudah berada di tempat yang dipastikan punya sinyal Wi Fi.

Perhatikan Penggunaan Flash & Wallpaper

Penggunaan flash di kamera memakan daya tahan baterai cukup besar,karenanya, jangan terlalu keasyikan memakainya untuk memperpanjang daya baterai, demikian juga wallpaper animasi, memang memakai wallpaper animasi terasa lebih keren dan lebih menarik dibandingkan wallpaper statis, namun wallpaper bergerak mengahbiskan baterai lebih cepat ketimbang wallpaper statis, gunakan hanya saat dibutuhkan, untuk kasus ini mungkin hanya pada saat ingin dipamerkan ke teman.

Stop Mencari Sinyal

Ada kalanya pengguna smartphone berada di area yang susah sinyal. Dalam keadaan ini, ponsel tetap akan secara aktif mencari sinyal, proses pencarian sinyal tersebut memakan daya tahan baterai yang tidak sedikit, sehingga jika tidak benar-benar dibutuhkan, ponsel dimatikan saja atau dipindah ke flight mode sehingga proses pencarian sinyal dihentikan.

Nah itulah beberapa tips nya semoga dapat membantu sehingga baterai ponsel android dapat bertahan dengan maksimal, apalagi kita hendak melakukan perjalanan yang cukup jauh, tentunya kita akan kesulitan untuk mencari daya agar bisa mengisi batu baterai ponsel android yang kita miliki, sekian uraian mengenai tips menghemat baterai android dan jangan lupa baca juga artikel cipto junaedy jika anda ingin memiliki banyak property namun tanpa uang tanpa utang, terima kasih.

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The Best ROM For Nexus 4 - PSX [ANDROID]

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

This is the fastest ROM I have ever tried on my Google Nexus 4!
It is very quick, responsive and uses the latest Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.

Pure Speed Experiment has been specially optimized with performance in mind, so it is a very lightweight ROM with not so many features. Having said that, it still has some useful features.

Also, the ROM comes with the stock Google kernel so you can always flash a kernel of your choice to boost the performance even further! 

Not only is the ROM ultra fast, it is also very battery efficient.
Expect to get at least 4 hours of screen on time every time!

Official post and download links on XDA:

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Dungeon Hunter 4 - Nexus 4 - Gameplay - Highest Settings [Android]

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Dungeon Hunter 4 by Gameloft running on Nexus 4 on the highest settings.

Average FPS stays at 30 and a little less when in combat. I couldn't notice any major frame drops, so the game is very playable and runs good on my device.

Overall, this is an amazing game with great stunning visuals and challenging gameplay!
If you have a high end device, you definitely have to check out this game!

I just wish the game was more optimized for android devices, especially on Nexus 4.

This game can be downloaded for Free on Google Play store:

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Apple Releases New iPhone at September

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
California - the new iPhone is rumored to be released on 10 September 2013. Some analysts assess the technology Apple really needs to be releasing a new gadget in the market weakening those who encroached invasion android gadget. According to the website AllThingsD, Apple is scheduled to hold a big event. In that event, Apple will reportedly release a new iPhone.

The loyal fans of Apple products is currently waiting for a breakthrough from Apple. Investors sue Apple CEO, Tim Cook, soon releasing new products to the value of Apple's stock rose again.

The latest iPhone will likely be named the iPhone 5S. Apple is expected to add new features in the new iPhone. Apple touted features will complement the fingerprint lock. It's related to the acquisition AuthenTec, fingerprint development company last year.

In addition, the new iPhone will be iOS 7 is already wearing the official release. Last June, Apple has released iOS 7 at the developers conference. However, iOS 7 is still in the beta process.

Apple did not just update the iPhone's operating system. TheNextWeb site estimate, in addition to the fingerprint sensor, the iPhone also possess the capacity 12 Mp camera and dual LED lamp comes with the ability to capture slow motion images.

In terms of power, the iPhone is expected to be more durable batteries. It works well even louder with A7 chip. Problem design, the iPhone is expected to remain the same with the iPhone 5 and landscape screen still 4 inches.

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Samsung and Sony steal start before newest Apple iPhone and iPad

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

130805_samsung-galaxy-note-3.jpgSamsung Galaxy Gear, watches with smart phone features and Note 3 planned glide on the 4th September.
Sony also did not stay silent. I plan to launch a company in the Xperia series smartphone that uses the latest in TV sensors and cameras like Sony.

Rumour has it that Sony's new cell phone equipped with a 20 megapixel camera, aperture f/2.0, focal length of 5mm, Xenon flash, and image processing with applications Bionz Cybershot camera.

In addition, the smartphone brings 2.2 GHz Snapdragon CPU with 2GB of RAM, full HD screen and Google's Android operating system 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.

Apple as it is known to this day has not launched a new product, but reportedly ready to introduce the latest iPhone and iPad on September 10.

"It's important for Samsung to launch their products before the Apple. Placing a new product before the Apple will have a positive impact for both companies," said Daewoo Securities Co. analyst James Song as quoted by Bloomberg, on Tuesday (08/20/2013).

Samsung and Sony announced they will release a new product two days before the grand event Costomer IFA Electronics Show in Berlin, Germany.

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SpeedUp Pad 7, Tablet Android 7 Inch Dual Core

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Speedup Pad 7 - Speedup launch a seven inch screen android tablet, named SpeedUp Pad 7. The tablet has a fairly elegant design with a capable hardware support.
Speedup Speedup +7 + Pad Pad 7, seven Inch Android Tablet dual core.

Speedup Pad 7
Speedup Pad seven is running on a 1.2GHz dual core processor, which is supported by 512 MB ​​of RAM, a 7-inch screen, 480 × 800 pixel resolution, which supports up to five touch points.
By design, Speedup Pad seven is also quite interesting. This tablet has dimensions of 192 x 122 x 9.6 mm and weight of 335gr, with a thickness of only 9.6 mm, of course including Speedup Pad seven tablet is quite thin.

Excess of Speedup Pad seven is supports 3G/HSDPA technology, with the 3G which means the tablet can be used for telephone and SMS, with 3G internet browsing will be faster and convenient. Not forgetting the wifi feature also pinned on this new android tablet.

Specifications SpeedUp Pad 7
  • Dimension: 192 x 122 x 9.6 mm.
  •  Screen: seven inch, 480 × 800 pixels, five points multi touchscreen.
  •  Can call and sms.
  •  Processor: dual core 1.2 Ghz.
  •  OS: Android 4.0.4 ICS.
  •  Memory: 512 MB ​​RAM.
  •  Storage: Four BGB.
  •  MicroSD: up to 32 GB.
  •  Bluetooth: 2.1 + EDR.
  •  Data speed: 7.2 Mbps download, 5.76 Mbps upload.
  •  Camera: two MP back, 0.3 MP front.
  •  Sensors: G-Sensor.
  •  WiFi: 802.11 b / g / n.
  •  Batrerai: 3000 mAh.
  •  Standby time: 100 hours.

Price SpeedUp Pad 7
In March 2013, there is a promo period, customers can purchase SpeedUp Pad seven with promo price Rp. 1,499,000, - from the normal price of Rp. 2.499 million, -

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Android Device Manager Review

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Android Device Manager Review. When the majority consider robot security, they are in all probability troubled concerning malware infesting their devices, however loss and stealing ar out and away the largest threats to phones or tablets. Google's new robot Device Manager (free) keeps you au fait of your Android—wherever it is—with an easy thanks to track and remotely erase your devices. it's extremely a lot of a baseline Military Intelligence Section 5 with no bells or whistles, however is totally necessary for each robot user.

Find My robot
As with most anti-theft services, you access Google's through the device manager web site the simple interface consists of a Google Maps map and inset window displaying one device at a time. From here you'll be able to choose any of your registered robot devices, amendment the device names, refresh the situation data, remotely wipe your device, associate degreed activate an alarm. you'll be able to additionally send a cutoff to your device to line up Device Administrator access so as to modify a foreign wipe.

The location data was accurate—usually at intervals twenty meters—with best results on my Samsung Galaxy S III $249.99 at Amazon Wireless with GPS, cellular knowledge, and Wi-Fi active. i used to be affected by however quickly my devices skilled commands sent from the online, although that is par for the course with third-party security apps yet. A full device wipe fleetly triggered a manufactory reset on my phone.

As so much as performance goes, my solely disappointment was that the alarm measured virtually pleasant. The remote command can prime out your volume, even though the device was muted, however I might simply see not having the ability to listen to it.

For all of those options to figure, Device Manager need some presence on your robot within the variety of the new created Google Settings app. Google's love of duplicating settings menus is fully force across each the app and therefore the Device Manager web site. You can, for example, rename your device from 2 completely different sites, and drilling through the situation choices on your phone's Google Settings app results in a unclear variety of pages. Google has aforesaid that they're going to be launching a complete robot Device Manager app presently that may allow you to track a taken phone from another robot device.

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Java: File and Buffered Reader/Writer

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Well, this is kind of logical situation, but I thought it should not matter since all of them would be closed anyway. Here's the story:

So my task was to build a Java application which would accept commands and ultimately you want to record everything that you have done in a text file (you could also open the file to continue the work). Without hesitation, I looked at an old code that has text file reading function (written by my Prof. of course as a template to do tutorial), thus I decided to use FileReader and BufferedReader instead of other methods available around. Logically, I looked up into FileWriter and BufferedWriter, and both of them do exist.

Here comes my stupidity: I close the FileWriter before the BufferedWriter. I thought it was fine, since that was what happened in some old template code given to me (for reader and not writer). The problem was, in those codes, the reader was only called once for every program execution. In my case, I repeatedly call FileWriter and BufferedWriter for every operation that changes the text file as a risk mitigation in case my program crashes due to invalid and error-causing input or the computer crashes. And that, somehow somewhat, makes closing BufferedWriter before FileWriter important! Otherwise, I would get run time error and my text file would just be reset into empty forever and ever.

So folks, remember to close what's opened last before closing what's opened first (like chestception where you would need to close the innermost chest first before closing the outermost one).

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NUS ModCrasher: Behind the Scene #1 - GQL Restriction

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

While we were doing the search system, we ran into a trouble: GQL query restriction. It only allows one inequality to be in the query, while we need two to find lectures between the start time and the end time. So, how should I approach this, since I was the one in-charge of the search system?

Initially, I thought of appending the search result one by one, meaning since lectures start time is on half-hourly period, I could just make a loop between start time and end time, essentially no inequality in the query at all. But then, I did not know how to append the queries, and time was not on our side. I decided to find something else.

I was thinking that Jinja2 template that we are using supports python one way or another. Could I utilize that? Probably! So I tried it; our GQL query run with one inequality and our Jinja2 template would do the other by using "for if" statement. It works! I am not sure about the performance of such solution, but it works for the time being and we are keeping it for now.

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How to Install Paranoid Android 3.94 on Nexus 4 [Android 4.3]

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

Step by step guide on how to install Paranoid Android 3.94 custom ROM on Nexus 4.
This is considered to be a stable 4.3 release for Nexus 4.

Short review:
The ROM is stable and has a lot of amazing features no other ROMs have, plus it comes with a custom kernel, which has been configured to calibrate the screen of Nexus 4. I highly recommend this ROM to everybody who wants to have a quality custom ROM.

1. Full wipe/Factory reset
2. Install Radio
3. Install Bootloader
4. Install ROM
5. Install GAPPS
6. Reboot system!


Original thread on XDA by Molesarecoming:

Download Radio and Bootloader:

Download ROM:

Download GAPPS:

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Svbtle Kudo button Copy

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
I have been fascinated by Svbtle Kudo button since I first saw it. Thus, my intuition was to try make one. Actually, the button has been done for some time. (I was on holiday and on holiday mood)

To try it out, go to:

I hacked most parts of the button, such as the size and positioning so that it looks perfect. I am not sure the reason behind some bugs if I didn't hack it, such as 1 px lines between the outer ring and the inner circle even when I have normalized the web page and clear all margin and padding of the two.

There are differences between the Svbtle real button and mine, though:
  1. Svbtle button has the inner circle even before the mouse cursor hovers in it while mine has none. I could do the same but I prefer no inner circle on initial state.
  2. Svbtle button has constant speed while my button has constant time. This means that for Svbtle button, if you move your cursor away from the button then put it in again before it returns to initial state, the time taken to make it finish is lesser than if it was from initial state to final state. For my button, it takes the same amount of time to go from any state to final state, thus slower animation if you move the cursor halfway then continue on.
  3. I didn't do the decoration, such as the "don't move" command and successful notice.

Note: It seems there is a lag for the Javascript online. It works fine locally.

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